What are the risks to me as a member of staff and how do I mitigate these?

The platform has undergone rigorous assurance and safety processes; it is approved by a clinical safety officer, has been assured by EMIS, undergone penetration testing, and has a completed DTAC (the NHS E standard of quality and safety) and a DPIA (a focused product assessment of data security and the measures in place to protect it) in place. All of these will be monitored and updated as the system goes live and is used in real world testing.

I don’t want to be duplicating my work by using this system.

The system is designed to streamline Annual Health Check workflows, for example staff feedback informed the dashboard design, which supports the grouping of tasks together and automatically highlights patients who are due a review. It is a single entry system as information flows between EPRs and the Annual Health Check system, so for example patient data is pulled from the learning Disability register in your EPR into the Annual Health Check system, and appointment information and Health Action Plans created in the Annual Health Check system are saved back into your EPR.

I’m not confident in using digital systems or my patients/their carers aren’t.

Staff members will receive support and training to help everyone feel comfortable with carrying out AHCs using the new system. The new system has been co-designed with staff and patients/carers to maximise its usability. It has been designed to be simpler and more intuitive than the processes staff currently carry out, and is supported by a SOP to streamline your workflows.

The system has been co-designed with patients and carers to be easy to use and more engaging than paper versions of questionnaires and Health Action Plans, so with the right support, lots of people will be able to access the benefits of the digital versions. If patients/carers don’t want to receive their pre-Annual Health Check questionnaire or Health Action Plan in a digital format, the system allows for sending them out through the post, according to their preferences.